Equipment Breakdown

Because life doesn’t stop for broken appliances, Security First Insurance offers coverage for all your major household appliances to keep you moving forward. If we can’t fix it, we replace it. It’s that simple.

Plug into Coverage

Sudden power surges are just one of many events that can damage your appliances. Repair and replacement costs can be expensive and often are not covered by traditional Florida property insurance policies or home warranties. Equipment Breakdown coverage is an optional endorsement that requires an additional premium. The great news is our Premier (HO5) policy includes Equipment Breakdown coverage at no additional cost.

Call your agent or contact us to add this important protection today.

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Equipment Breakdown

Protect yourself and your appliances for only $50 per year.
Our Premier (HO5) policy includes this coverage at no additional cost.

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Bundle and Get More

Bundle with Service Line Coverage for $80 per year.
Equipment Breakdown and Service Line coverage is already bundled in our Premier (HO5) policy at no additional cost.

Did You Know?

Equipment Exposures

Just walk through any home, and it’s easy to see how quickly electronic and appliance breakdowns can break the bank. Check our Equipment Exposure Handout for more information.

Homeowners Equipment Breakdown coverage does not cover wear and tear. Read our Loss Scenarios Guide for examples of what is – and is not – covered.

is spent by Americans per year on appliances. Yep, billions.

of refrigeration and air conditioning failures are due to electrical issues.


of appliance insurance claims result from power surges.


is the cost of an average power surge claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

Equipment Breakdown Coverage

What equipment is covered?

● Freezers and Refrigerators
● Swimming Pool Equipment
● Surround Sound Systems
● Home Security Systems
● Microwaves and Ovens
● Computer Equipment
● Central A/C Systems
● Washers and Dryers
● Garbage Disposals
● Well Water Pumps
● Water Heaters
● Sump Pumps
● Dishwashers
● Heat Pumps
● TVs

What does Equipment Breakdown cover?

Standard home insurance policies do not cover appliances or equipment breakdown. It’s available as an option to add to your policy. While this coverage is available as an optional add-on, our Premier (HO5) policy includes it at no additional cost. Our Equipment Breakdown endorsement provides coverage up to $100,000 for sudden electrical, mechanical, or pressure system breakdown to your home’s equipment.

Does this cover Wear & Tear?

Equipment Breakdown vs Wear and Tear
Equipment Breakdown does not cover wear and tear. Wear and tear is the natural deterioration of a machine’s ability to perform its intended function which occurs as a machine reaches the end of its “life expectancy.” This is determined by the quality of installation, the level of maintenance, moisture/humidity, vibration, heat and cold, or intensity of use. Equipment Breakdown refers to a sudden loss of functionality.

Download our Loss Scenarios Guide for examples of equipment breakdown versus wear and tear.

Plug Into What You Need to Know

What is the cost and deductible of Equipment Breakdown?

● You can add equipment breakdown coverage to your insurance policy for $50 a year. This coverage is included in our Premier (HO5) policy at no additional cost.

● You are responsible for paying $500 per claim. We’ll take care of the rest.

Is this coverage the same as an extended warranty?

No. Extended warranties are often expensive and only cover one appliance per warranty. The Equipment Breakdown endorsement is a lot different than coverage from warranties and provides breakdown coverage for all of your household’s electrical equipment.

Download this quick guide to compare the value of Equipment Breakdown to a product warranty.

Equipment Breakdown Coverage Comparison

How do I report an Equipment Breakdown claim?

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Protect Your Home Today

We stand behind every policy we write, storm after storm, year after year®.

Our simple and convenient quote process makes it easy for you to get started. Take the first step towards protecting your most valuable asset by requesting a quote today.